


WEBINAR: Reducing Food Waste in Restaurant Kitchens

WEBINAR: Reducing Food Waste in Restaurant Kitchens



Date: Tuesday 28th July               Time: 15:00 – 16:00hrs                        Platform: ZOOM


The Malta Business Bureau and Institute of Tourism Studies are hosting a 1-hour webinar to introduce an innovative model on food waste reduction for chefs and kitchen staff. The LIFE FOSTER model identifies the main sources of food waste in kitchens and presents practical solutions to help reduce waste levels.

This webinar comes in the context of a series of EU-funded training workshops for chefs and kitchen staff which will be offered in 2020.

Professor Nadia Tecco from the leading University of Gastronomic Sciences in Pollenzo will introduce the thought and design that went into the training model. ITS Lecturers David Pace and Ronald Briffa will then discuss how this model is applied in kitchens and the benefits it brings.

The industry perspective on food waste will also be considered during a panel discussion with Maltese chefs and restaurant managers.

To register your participation, kindly send an email to MBB project manager Gabriel Cassar on gcassar@mbb.org.mt.

Click here to view the agenda.

The LIFE FOSTER project (LIFE17 GIE/IT/000579) is co-funded by the LIFE Programme of the European Union. This document reflects only the author’s view and the European commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

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