


Food Waste Workshops for Hotel & Restaurant Staff

Food Waste Workshops for Hotel & Restaurant Staff

After successfully running a series of food waste workshops for hotels and restaurants over the month of May, MBB and Chef Mark Camilleri announce the next round of workshops in June.

The workshops are EU-funded and in-person sessions which touch upon various aspects which can lead to food waste, such as purchasing and storage, preparation, menu design and communication.

Chefs play a significant role in reducing food waste by creating awareness about the value of food, while also fostering new trends with the potential of reframing the challenges in the food system and getting people to rethink their eating habits.

Each session is limited to 4 participants to allow room for discussion and sharing of experiences. We can also block specific dates for your establishment.

Please follow this link to book your spot at one of the workshops in June: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4CA8AF2FAAF8C25-food 

Booking instructions: Click ‘Sign Up’ next to your preferred slot, and then click ‘Submit and Sign Up’ at the bottom of the page.

Kindly contact us on info@mbb.org.mt for more information.

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