


Request for Quotations – Video Clips

Request for Quotations – Video Clips

The Malta Business Bureau is currently requesting quotations to produce five (5) short videos linked to its LIFE FOSTER project. This project focuses on education and training to reduce food waste in restaurant kitchens (www.lifefoster.eu).

Potential bidders are kindly requested to quote for the delivery of five (5) HD video clips (60 – 90 seconds each). Quotations should include all costs linked to pre-production, filming and editing of the videos.

Please forward your quotation by latest Wednesday 1st December 2021, end of business.

Kindly include the following project code in the quotation, for administration purposes: MALTA BUSINESS FOUNDATION LIFE FOSTER LIFE17GIE/IT/000579

Quotes and any queries should be forwarded to gcassar@mbb.org.mt


Additional information:

People featured

The videos will feature professional chefs chosen by MBB who are collaborating with the project.


The chefs will be showcasing and explaining one of their recipes designed to reduce food waste. The script will be prepared by MBB and the chef, but we would appreciate any feedback/suggestions from your end during drafting stage.

Filming locations

Videos will be filmed in restaurant kitchens.


The LIFE FOSTER project (LIFE17 GIE/IT/000579) is co-funded by the LIFE Programme of the European Union. This article reflects only the author’s view and the European commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

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