WEBINAR on ‘Digital Marketing in Self Entrepreneurship’

Digital marketing plays a huge role in business development and strategy: from making your business known, developing a strategic brand identity, understanding how your enterprise is viewed, to giving you Key Performance Indicators (KPI) on the effectiveness of your business achievements and objectives to evaluate your success and reach your target and more!
This webinar will help you understand the importance of digital marketing in business development. Join us on 26th April!
Registration link and webinar agenda can be accessed from here.
For more information, please contact DIFME Project Manager, Marika Huber on mhuber@mbb.org.mt.
This event is being organised as part of the DIFME (Digital Internationalisation and Financial Literacy Skills for Micro-Entrepreneurs) Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliances Project, which is led by the Malta Business Bureau with the participation of The Edward de Bono Institute and partners in Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, and the Netherlands.