Kicking off VITA project

In 2017, MBB embarked on the VITA project – another Erasmus+ project through which five organisations based in Malta, Greece, Romania and the Czech Republic are working closely with the aim of developing a novel toolbox by which adult trainers can attract, reach out and assist adult learners in improving their digital literacy. This is a subject of high importance to European and Maltese business.
Research conducted in the project’s initial stages shows that as digitisation penetrates more aspects of our daily life – from tasks at home to tasks at work – the demand for EU citizens to be skilled in digital literacy is fast increasing. The EU’s Digital Skills and Job Coalition (2016) reports how a staggering 45% of EU citizens are still considered to be digitally illiterate. This implies that adults need to be further exposed to digital technology.
To this end, VITA’s project activities will focus on enabling the training of trainers on the concepts and application of Virtual and Augmented Reality Technology.
For more information, visit here or contact MBB Executive Marija Elena Borg on