Project Meeting in Ragensburg, Germany

DIFME project partners met up in Regensburg, home to hosting partner, the University Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg and DIFME’s Quality and Evaluation partner ISOB. Once again all the partners attended and agreed to the training conceptualisation, and the main characteristic of the profile . The tasks divided among partners for the actual development of the contents were assessed and discussed at length on the basis that contents are to provide microentrepreneurs with an agile toolkit wherein the description of the learning objectives and skills are to be developed together with the indicative timetable for own learning and the theoretical oriented learning.
To date all the partners have worked on the content, and are in the process of reviewing their work as assessed by ISOB prior to peer reviewing partners’ content again. The DIFME peer review involves subjecting the work and research to the scrutiny of other DIFME partner who are experts in the same field to check its validity and evaluate its suitability for publication. Furthermore the peer review will involve non experts to ensure that the content is simplified rather than theoretical for the target audience. The peer review will help the partners decide whether the work is of the required standard acceptable to the target audience of students and microentrepreneurs or if it should be revisited once again.
Once the content is accepeted by the DIFME partners, this will be translated into the constortium languages: Italian, Greek, Bulgarian, Dutch and German.