MBB’s Investing in Water Project amongst ‘Life best projects for 2014’

The Malta Business Bureau’s EU LIFE+ Investing in Water Project was one of only 17 LIFE environment projects which were awarded ‘LIFE best projects for 2014’.
The award ceremony took place on Thursday evening at The Egg Conference Centre in Brussels, as part of the European Commission’s Green Week 2015.
The award, given by the European Commission’s DG ENV, considered all LIFE projects in Europe which concluded in 2014 and recognises the most outstanding. The objective of the award is to improve the dissemination of LIFE project results by clearly identifying those projects whose results, if widely applied, could have the most positive impact on the environment. The award ceremony was held during Green Week 2015, Europe’s largest environmental policy conference.
Commenting on the awards, Minister for Sustainable Development, the Environment and Climate Change Leo Brincat, under whose ministry the LIFE programme falls, said “It is a privilege for a Maltese project to be recognised by the Commission as having not only done well nationally, but to also be an international best practice case study. That this award goes to the EU LIFE+ Investing in Water Project, on top of the other awards given, is testimony to the quality and value of this project.”
This is the third award won by the MBB’s EU LIFE+ Investing in Water Project, in addition to a runner up position for a further two awards. It is the first time a Maltese LIFE project has received this award.
The EU LIFE+ Investing in Water Project, led by the Malta Business Bureau in partnership with the Malta Chamber and the MHRA, aimed to help businesses and hotels save water by disseminating solutions that were available in Malta and based on existing best practice. By the project’s close in 2014, 136 enterprises had participated in the project, saving more than 141 million litres of water per annum – enough to meet the needs of two medium sized 4 star hotels and three large water consuming factories.
“We are honoured to have this project recognised not only for its achievement, but for its serving as an international best practice case study in the water management sector.” stated MBB CEO Joe Tanti, “This award affirms the MBB’s work ethic in striving to bring about tangible positive developments within and for industry.”
Geoffrey Saliba, Project Manager to the EU LIFE+ Investing in Water Project, said “The enthusiasm with which businesses, hotels, and industry stakeholders welcomed the project, and the action that they took with the project partners, allowed such significant savings. This award is affirmation to the effectiveness of these parties joint action to tackle Malta’s water scarcity problem, through the project.”
Joe Tanti thanked Geoffrey Saliba, Project Manager to the EU LIFE+ Investing in Water Project; Ing. Marco Cremona, water expert to the project; and the project team for their success in driving the project.
The EU LIFE+ Investing in Water Project received 50% co-financing under the European Community’s LIFE funding programme, with the Ministry responsible for the environment as the main co-financier, further co-financing and sponsorship from APS Bank, MSV LIFE, Island Hotels Group, and Easydry Malta.