MBB and International Partners launch Project TAPROOM

January 2021 – The Malta Business Bureau, in collaboration with four other partner organisations based in Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany and Italy, have recently launched TAPROOM, a project co-funded by the EU’s Erasmus+ programme.
TAPROOM’s ultimate aim is to develop a multidisciplinary, interactive & comprehensive training programme in the production and marketing of organic and craft beer. It goes a step further to ensure that more is done in terms of promoting beer as part of the intangible cultural heritage of the European Union.
MBB CEO, Joe Tanti stated that the EU’s organic products market has been experiencing strong growth in demand and production for the last ten years. Consequently, the need for a targeted training programme that strives to overcome knowledge gaps in the field of Organic and Craft Beer Production, has become crucial.
TAPROOM Project Manager, Marija Elena Borg added that in adopting a blended learning approach, the TAPROOM partnership expects to develop a tailored training programme that is suitable to anyone who does not have the time or the possibility to attend formal academic courses, which are generally of a longer duration.
TAPROOM will be executed transnationally in order to develop a comprehensive product that is applicable to both current and aspiring brewers, on an EU level.
For more information on TAPROOM, please contact Project Manager, Marija Elena Borg on mborg@mbb.org.mt or +356 21251719.
The TAPROOM Project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, is led by the Malta Business Bureau (Malta) in collaboration with Out of the Box International (Belgium), GAL Molise verso il 2000 (Italy), AVA Creations Foundation (Bulgaria) and Italienische Handelskammer München-Stuttgart Camera di Commercio Italo-Tedesca (Germany).