Funding Innovation – Call for Participants

The Malta Business Bureau is now receiving applications for a 24-hour training programme on EU funds, focusing on the competitiveness of enterprises and SMEs (COSME)!
As part of Funding Innovation, MBB is offering businesses professional training on EU Direct Funds and Programmes. The training will consist of:
- FREE Information Session in Valletta 4 September 2019
- Webinar Session – Introduction to EU Funding Streams 23 October 2019
- 3-day Workshop in Brussels by EU Funding Experts 28-30 October 2019
- Online Follow-up Training
The first training programme will focus on the competitiveness of enterprises and SMEs, i.e. the EU COSME Funding Programme.
COSME is the EU funding programme which seeks to strengthen the competitiveness and sustainability of enterprises, to encourage an entrepreneurial culture and to promote the creation and growth of SMEs. COSME supports enterprises in better access to finance; internationalisation and access to markets; improved business conditions; and entrepreneurship.
[Click here to see examples of projects funded under COSME & how enterprises in the tourism, creative and digital industries benefited from this funding programme]
Who is eligible?
Key personnel within enterprises that are members of either the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry or the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association.
Participants must be able to understand and actively discuss in English, which will be the key language used throughout the training programme. Translation for other languages will not be provided.
Selection Criteria
In order to fulfil the objectives of the training programme, participants will be selected on basis of their interest in the COSME funding programme. This interest will be assessed upon the candidate’s submission of a one-page project idea (max. 350 words).
Due to capacity limits, the organisers reserve the right to accept only one participant per enterprise.
Administration Fee
€350 covering:
- Training and mentoring
- Return flights to Malta
- 2-nights accommodation in Brussels on a B&B basis
How to apply?
Please fill in this Application Form and send it to Marija Elena Borg on by not later than 15 September 2019.
Do you have any questions or issues which you would like to clarify?
Get in touch with us by sending an email to or call us on +356 2125 1719.
Funding Innovation is led by the Malta Business Bureau in collaboration with the Brussels-based Out of the Box International and the European Projects Association. This initiative is being supported by The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry and the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association.