


New President for the Malta Business Bureau

New President for the Malta Business Bureau

Dr David Zahra has been appointed President of the Malta Business Bureau (MBB).

Dr Zahra graduated as Doctor of Laws at the University of Malta in November 2006 and founded David Zahra & Associates Advocates in 2011, after a number of years practicing with one of Malta’s leading law firms. David is actively involved in corporate M&A, financial services and corporate finance transactions, both locally and internationally.

On his appointment as new MBB President, Dr Zahra commented: “It is with pleasure that I am taking on the role of MBB President at an exciting time for the organisation, but also during testing times for the European Union.” “I am confident that the MBB will continue to be a promoter of the EU values, and looking to make the best of the opportunities it offers for our business and the economy in general.”

The MBB thanks Dr John Vassallo, the former President, for his guidance, invaluable advice and utmost dedication throughout his tenure as President and Director of the Board. His commitment saw the organisation develop and increase its impact through advisory and strategic lobbying with the EU institutions.

During the Annual Board Meeting, the MBB announced the new Board:

Dr David Zahra as President, Mr Kyle Borg as Vice-President, and Mr Charles A. Zahra, Mr Mario Spiteri, Mr Reginald Fava and Mr Malcolm Jones as Directors. The MBB also thanks outgoing Director Mr Norman Aquilina who served on the Board for the past year.


The Malta Business Bureau is the EU-business advisory office for the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry, and the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association.

For more information, kindly contact MBB CEO Joe Tanti on E: ceo@mbb.org.mt or T: +356 7970 6316.


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