


MHRA appointments in HOTREC Committees

MHRA appointments in HOTREC Committees

HOTREC – the umbrella association of Hotels, Restaurants and Cafes in Europe – has held its 73rd General Assembly in Malta, where delegates from 26 countries from across all Europe attended.

During this General Assembly, elections and appointments to various bodies were held. Malta Hotels & Restaurants Association (MHRA) President Mr Tony Zahra was appointed by the General Assembly as member of the Financial Audit Committee. The Financial Audit Committee is tested to review the accounts of the Sectoral Social Dialogue (SSD). MHRA CEO Mr Andrew Agius Muscat was re-elected to the SSD. Among other duties the SSD concentrates efforts on the so-called ‘Sharing Economy, job creation, training & education.’

“The hospitality sector employs more than 10 million people. It is, therefore, essential that a solid dialogue among the social partners on European initiatives concerning social affairs continues to be developed in order for the sector to continue creating more jobs and increase its competitiveness.” commented Mr Agius Muscat.

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