A business perspective on TTIP: publication outlines qualitative feedback from industry
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23rd February, MALTA – The Malta Business Bureau, with the support of the European Parliament Information Office, has released a publication on the potential impact of the trade agreement being negotiated between the EU and the United States on Maltese businesses.
The publication, entitled “The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership – What’s in it for Maltese Business?”, aims to identify a number of challenges and opportunities associated with the mutual opening of the EU and the United States markets.
TTIP is arguably one of the most ambitious projects that the European Union is currently pursuing. It is essentially a free trade agreement which the EU and the United States of America have been negotiating since 2013. The TTIP seeks to remove tariffs, non-tariff barriers, and trade restrictions in a number of sectors between the EU’s Member States and the US, which is expected to boost transatlantic trade.
Once negotiations are finalised, the European Parliament, as the institution representing European citizens, will ultimately need to vote for or against the proposed TTIP.
The publication follows on a consultation exercise held at sectoral level with the intention of collecting perspectives from the domestic business community on TTIP together with the Maltese MEPs. The aim of the exercise was to stimulate wider discussion on the negotiations while seeking to reflect the outlook of domestic enterprise.
The publication is available through the following link: http://issuu.com/malta_business_bureau/docs/ttip-whatsinitformaltesebusiness
A .pdf version can also be obtained by contacting the MBB via email: info@mbb.org.mt
Contact Details for editors:
Mark Seychell, MBB Senior Executive – EU policy: mseychell@mbb.org.mt
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