
Enterprise Europe network.


Enterprise Europe Network

The Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) is the largest network of contact points providing information and advice to EU companies on EU matters, in particular small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Teams of Network experts in each member organisation offer personalised services to businesses. EEN knows the local business environment and has a wide international network of contacts fit for business opportunities worldwide. The Network can also offer a targeted approach aimed specifically at your business sector. Its expert groups cover all key economic sectors, from healthcare to agri-food, and intelligent energy to fashion and textile.

Our services

Through the Maltese Consortium within the Enterprise Europe Network, all SMEs receive information and a personalised service tailored to their needs.

The COSME-SMP Enterprise Europe Network project has been a pillar initiative for MBB since 2016. In collaboration with three other national stakeholders, the project aims to provide crucial, EU-funded advisory services to the Maltese SME ecosystem, ranging from sustainability, access to funding, digitalisation, innovation, internationalisation, among others.

More concretely, we offer the following services:

Tapping EU direct funds:

Tapping different sources of EU financing and ensuring that companies are aware of the possibilities available is one of our primary goals. Utilising these funds can be a means to address challenges in the areas of innovation, environment, and the labour market amongst others. We dedicate a specific focus towards SMEs that are willing to participate in research programmed.

Your voice in Europe:

We act as a two-way communicator between entrepreneurs and the European Commission, relaying views in both directions to ensure that policies and initiatives prepared by the Commission will be helpful for SMEs on the ground and do not create additional administrative burdens for our businesses.

Mentorship and single market opportunities:

We help small businesses with technical issues such as legislation, as it can be difficult for companies to remain abreast of changes in EU legislation, as it can often be difficult for companies to remain abreast of changes in EU related opportunities.

Going international:

We develop exchanges between enterprises, trigger new ideas, nurture potential partnerships and stimulate firms to develop beyond their initial horizons. B2B matchmaking meetings are often organised to assist companies in identifying trustworthy business partners.

Innovation and scaling up:

We encourage and hand-hold SMEs to become more innovative throughout the client journey. Sharing the results of our research and our Network partners can often help businesses trigger new ideas. We also assist companies to collaborate within Clusters on different innovation-related activities which eventually lead to a wider access of innovative technology, helping them face global competition challenges more effectively.

For more information, visit EEN Malta.

Reach out to us for additional information.

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