


Financing Energy Interventions: Going Beyond Government Grants

Financing Energy Interventions: Going Beyond Government Grants

Following several workshops on government grants and schemes for energy & water efficiency, this event brings you a new set of financing instruments. This time, the focus is on the green financial products offered by Maltese private banks, including those funded by the EFSI, as explained below.

This may be one of the last opportunities for your company to benefit from The European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), as deadlines run till the end of this year. Therefore, for interested companies, now is the time to plug in and listen, given that any large project requires advance planning.

What is the EFSI? This financial instrument is a joint initiative between the EIB Group and the EU Commission. It aims to mobilise private investment in projects which are strategically important for the green transition.

REGISTRATION: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUvdu-qqTosE9YLxGXXKpXbzQUnRBdml9YI


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